Moreover, you can assign your ranges for the solver to use, which is quite nice because you can get a more realistic solution for your specific situation, which makes this poker software a very powerful tool. You can see what hands to bet or to check in any given situation, how frequently you should do that or even recommended sizings based on your set-up. PIO solver is one of the best poker tools to analyze game theory optimal strategy in heads-up play and probably is the most advanced one, thus it just has to make this list. Try this out, and you will never be looking back. With all of the great features, it has to offer, Holdem Manager is one of the best poker software's around, and you should spend a few bucks to have it. If you are still not using Holdem Manager 3, you should get a free trial, and you will see how much info you were missing before. I know from my own experience that having these stats let me have completely different strategies versus my opponents, and it is one of the reasons why I was able to stay ahead of my competition over the years. The main reason for that is vsHero stats – an option allowing you to see how your opponent’s plays specifically versus you and this could easily be a game changer when you play versus the same opponents a lot of the time. Poker Tracker 4 is a great program, but in my opinion, Holdem manager 3 is by far better. If you aren’t using it, you can be sure that almost all of your opponents are, and you are just leaving money on the table.

Right now poker is all about having information on your opponents and these programs do the job in the best possible way.

Tracking poker software is necessary for everyone who is playing seriously.